This activity involves the formation of the Marnet Marine Socio-Economic Network.
The Network will facilitate greater collaboration and knowledge exchange between marine socio economists, policy officers as well as Local and Regional Authorities, throughout the Atlantic Area. A formal network Charter will set out the scope and purpose of the Network. The creation of the network will also enable network members to explore ongoing funding opportunities, such as Horizon 2020 and European Territorial Co-operation (ETC) opportunities. The network will also help to develop practical initiatives in the Atlantic regions and enable the creation of strategic partnerships.
By joining the network, you will gain access to newly collected comparable marine socio economic data across the Atlantic region, as well as other benefits such as:
- Knowledge exchange among members
- Scope for collaborative marine socio-economic research
- Information on upcoming events
- Networking opportunities
- EU and national funding updates
- Co-operative links between marine socio-economic research units
The network has held two steering committee meetings to date. The first Marnet network meeting was held in Porto in May 2014, the second network meeting took place in Dublin in November 2014.
Action leader: Socio Economic Marine Research Unit at NUI Galway, Ireland