MARNET is an EU transnational co-operation project involving eight partners from the five member states of the Atlantic Area. The aim of the project is to create an EU Atlantic marine socio economic network that will develop a methodology to create and collate comparable marine socio- economic data across the Atlantic regions and to use this data to support marine socio economic development initiatives along the Atlantic Area.
The project will invest €1.3m in the partner regions over the period July 2012 – December 2014. The EU contribution to the project is €851,464
The project is supported by the ERDF and the EU Interreg Atlantic Area Programme 2007-2013.
Objectives of the Project
- Examine the economic utility of the marine environment
- Enhance competitiveness of Atlantic Periphery economy through provision of of reliable and reproducible marine socio economic information vital to policy development & economic development across many marine related sectors.
- Establish a formal charter for sharing marine socio economic research facilities in Atlantic Regions among Research Institutes and Regional Public Authorities.
- Create Atlas of marine socio economic indicators for the Atlantic Area
- Act as a framework to collaborate on further marine research initiatives.