Practical Initiatives

the lead parter is the Northern & Western Regional Assembly    + 353 94 986 2970

The purpose of the Practical Initiatives action was to allow each region to undertake a practical application of the marine socio-economic database with the active engagement of regional and marine stakeholders.

Specifically Partners:

  • Undertake the practical work utilising the database (e.g., identification of marine sectors in specific areas with potential for further economic development) and publish the results
  • Increase awareness of the availability and utility of the marine socio-economic database and
  • Identify, through practical usage, further data requirements and elaborations of the database for further development

Partners have already identified possible practical initiatives in each of their regions, for example: –

  • An assessment of the impacts of regional marine renewable energy strategies on local SMEs in terms of supply and manufacturing activities and job creation potential.
  • An analysis of the strategic contribution of Marine Science and Technology Parks in enhancing the strength of maritime clusters.
  • Economic evaluation of Maritime Transport demand in Atlantic Regions.

Action leader: University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain.

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